Saturday, July 30, 2011

Preview - Love In The Dark [ an OnikaFaree story]

So These Onikafaree stories are not catching my interest so i thought maybe if  I made my own it would be a bit different. Let Me know ....More Detail? More Story? Less _______? PLEASE COMMENT ! or should I just give it up? 

"These Barbs are Freaking Crazy !!! " Nicki Said as she scrolled down her Time Line , something she did often when she got a bit of free time on her hands, which isn't often , but she loved keeping in touch with her barbs , it kept her sane , gave her a laugh and a push when she was down , and most importantly reminded her- WHY she does this little thing called "win". At times like this Nicki didn't tweet , she just read. She felt so bad every time she tweeted and got her barbs all worked up and excited then she couldn't send another  tweet until 3 hours later if not the next day , leaving her barbs hanging. She knew they understood she was busy and she was working but she couldn't help but feel a little bad. But their tweets today had her in absolute tears she couldn't believe how serious they all were about their "DRICKI VS. ONIKAFAREE" controversy. They uploaded pictures,manipulated tweets,  and had all these crazy theories it was too much for her day. "What are my BC minions saying now ?!"  SB said plopping down on the couch next to Nicki pulling out his Boss Berry as he liked to call it ( A spin on Nicki`s Barbie Berry - in reference to her Blackberry). They are back on this OnikaFaree , Dricki  dilemma again , Nicki said with a chuckle and an eye roll as she spotted  another picture from the M4L Vid. "I mean out of all the men in this world they pick Drake and YOU , isn't that crazy!" Nicki kept laughing. SB didn't say anything he just gave a slight smile and the best fake chuckle he could manage. Little did Nicki know every word that left her mouth was slightly more of a stab to his heart filled with love for ONIKA TANYA MARAJ. He was pathetic. In love with his best friend. One of the sexiest/ most sought after woman in the world. At first hiding it was easy , ignorant comments ! Coonery as a disguise - its fun and it works ! But the Baffoonery was getting old & there is only so much hiding he could do. But How would she react when/if she found out ? Would she kiss him compassionately and tell him she has been waiting for him to say that forever like she does every night in his dreams  or would she laugh like she was laughing now ? Showing those beautiful set of teeth , dimples in full effect , slowly killing him with her beauty and her rejection at the same time like she did in his night mares.Who was he kidding like she JUST SAID "Out of all the men in the world , why him?"  Either way she was his weakness and he  continued to only get weaker and weaker everyday. One day she would know . But for now the only thing to do was continue to play victim to her  love . Oh & reply "Yea......real crazy."